Stress In Memory
The results that were givin to me seemed that people with stress would have a better stress control, while people without stress seemed to have less score playing Simon Says. The chart below shows stress and no stress among playing Simon Says.
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This graph shows how memory can be improved by stress. The red bar is the score that people got while under stress and the blue bar shows the score of people who were not under stress.
Stress through memory, something hard to measure. The procedure was that there would be two computers, one with an IQ test and Simon Says, and the other would just have Simon Says. The first computer would test stress, you would take the IQ test then play Simon Says and take down there score, age, and sex. Then the second computer would just test no stress, all you would do is play Simon Says. This is testing your memory because when people are stressed they seem to forget more often. Although the results could be anything, personally stress would most likely make memory tougher.